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C Foundation Course


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At Just 499 ₹

✔️ Recorded + Live Classes
✔️ MCQs, Assignments, Contests
✔️ Certificate of Completion

✔️ Best for Beginners
✔️ Rewards for Top Performers
✔️ JOB Preparation Guidance

Sample Video

This is the 1st Chapter sample Video, For you to trust your mentor

Course Curriculum

What You'll Learn?

✔️ Get Started & Installation
✔️ Flowchart & Algorithms
✔️ C Introduction
✔️ C Syntax Overview
✔️ scanf & printf Statements

✔️ Decision Making
✔️ Strings
✔️ Loops
✔️ Functions
✔️ Arrays, Structures & Pointers

Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews and Testimonials